Update Archive
14.02.22 Things are soooooo close to being complete with the design update,thus I gaurantee to you there will be some funky things going on with links and aesthetics. Please bear with me until the full and final switch is made. Until then, continue to enjoy this place - it's not dead yet. IS just needs to break from its cocoon....
13.05.23 :: Ever closer does this site come to making its jump to the tweaked design. There are a lot of behind the scenese work being done when I'm up late with my newborn little girl, so stay tuned and start getting pumped for a site that's a little more versatile and sharpened. Additionally, new content is also being written up, so keep checking back - and for those of you who find it easier to get updates to your inbox, an e-newsletter is also in the works for Version 2.1 of the site. Good things are coming. In the meantime, enjoy your visit and I hope you learn something new and have some interesting thoughts.
P.S. As a result of the coding changes, you may experience some odd happenings right now (and possibly after) the switch, so bear with me through the transition and as always use the Contact form to let me know of anything that's weird.
13.01.18 :: Happy New Year! Things are changing around here. I was hoping to execute the new design format at the beginning of this month, but life had a way of betting busy over the holidays. Thus, I'm going to keep working away at it, therefore the change should happen very very soon - keep coming back because one of these days things will look different. Please be advised that because of these changes, certain pages will start formatting differently even before the full cross-over - so please bear with me. And as always, use the Contact form to let me know if you notice any weird pages, broken links, etc. Peace to you all. L'shanah tovah tikatev v'taihatem - that is, May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!
12.09.06 :: Okay, so I'm working on a semi-major re-design. Only 'semi' because everything will stay relatively in the same place, but everything will be re-programmed into a liquid state - meaning that it will adapt to differently sized monitors instead of staying in a fixed central column. Also, the layout will be slightly visually different. Thus, once that happens (you'll notice the change this time), if you experience any difficulties or issues on the site, please use the Contact form to let me know. And if you like the site or just want to say Hi, go for it and use the form for that as well. Also, don't hesitate to leave comments in the blog section - I appreciate feedback and knowing there are more than two people reading my blogs.
Furthermore, I've started a web programming course from the local college but I'll still be around this place - hopefully making more improvements and working on adding the missing pages and content. I'll certainly be busy over the next year, but I still hope to have/make time for my theological love.
Until the next time you're here, keep learning wherever it is you choose to learn and keep growing.
12.06.23 :: I've been spending a bit of time doing some coding updates, so if you're experiencing any problems with the website (weird visual display, broken links, etc.), please use the Contact form to let me know, to the best of your ability, where and what is happening so I can correct it. Thank you! And don't hesitate to let me know what you like and don't like on the site. Keep seeking edification and enjoying it! With a passion!
12.04.07 :: ATTENTION!! Over the course of the next week I will be updating and fixing the mark-up for the entire site, therefore you may encounter problems as well as some elements that do not display correctly. Please bear with me through this process. Thank you.
12.04.05 :: Quite a lot has been going on in the past month, both in my civil life and my work life, so I haven't had much of a chance to sit at the computer lately due to the busyness of life. However, life is coming back down to normal so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. I've got ideas and I've recently purchased a new book on CSS so there may be some changes in the website - some big, some small, and most of them will be unnoticeable unless you're really detail oriented. At any rate, keep coming back if you haven't already given up on this place because believe me, there are plans in the works.
Thanks to all those who come and check this out every now and then. Feel free to use the comments option on the blog and/or the Contact form. Peace to y'all; and keep expanding your minds. May you be strengthened and edified as the Lenten season comes to a close.
12.02.09 :: A quick update to those of you still visiting this place. There are a few things currently in the works; unfortunately, I haven't been on the computer much the past week so not a tonne has been accomplished. However, I do have some (new and old) drawings I've scanned for the pending Sketchbook page, which is the next section being constructed. Additionally, I have a few blog posts in mid-composition that may be fun and interesting for many of you (I am hoping to get into a routine for these and post some as regularly as possible - it's a good discipline for me to keep up my writing and critical thinking). Plus, I'm working on a mobile version of the site, since that's the way things are going these days. So, keep coming back and checking things out. And don't forget to leave comments. Peace to you! Keep thinking, learning, and enjoying it while you do it!
12.01.23 :: The Poetics page has been loaded, filled with around 30 poems from the past 15 years or so. I hope you find them fun and perhaps some thought-provoking.
12.01.11 :: It's the new year! And, actually, I can't believe January is already almost half-done... I've added an option on the Pizza Quest section to sort by rating, in case that makes it easier for some. Additionally, I'm currently working on completing the Poetics page and getting some poems all up in this piece. For the time being, enjoy the current material. Feel free to contact me using the Contact form, or leave a comment on a blog post as you feel led. Above all, learn lots and have fun doing it.
11.12.05 :: Illumine Syndicate goes live!! There's a few things to be added yet, so it is somewhat under construction, but it is (more-or-less) ready for public consumption. And so here we are. Keep an eye out because there is more to come.
11.11.13 :: After much learning and coding (and re-coding), the ability to post comments is now fully functional on Signs of a Delusional Mind.
11.10.10 :: Thanks to the help of my wife, the colour scheme has been changed from its original, out-dated palette to a more modern one.
11.07.16 :: I've spent portions of the weekend doing a major clean-up, re-formatting and modification of all the mark-up from my very old pages while Rebekah's been away camping. I give thanks to Dan Cederholm's book, Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design (which I got for one dollar, thanks to a McNally Robinson sale). The code is so much nicer, but could very well still use some further weeding - not that anybody but myself will notice. , I've written the basic shell of the contact and comment forms; the next step is to learn and then add the code which will make them function. Fun times! Also, not only did I add all the papers, sermons, and the one article, I've added printing links to all these written elements. Since I did just teach myself the code this very afternoon, there may be a few kinks I've over-looked which may need to be smoothed out. I do know, however, that the pages will in fact print in a very printer-friendly manner - no images, only text; the font is clear and legibly-sized; and the page will be in black and white. More to come.
11.02.08 :: Illumine Syndicate is re-invented.